This page describes how to install elasticHPC Client and make it ready for use.
for ease of use, elasticHPC-Client supports saving AWS credentials in a config file so the user doesn’t have to provide the credentials everytime using the program Save a file (with name you want) in the following format in ${EHPC_HOME}/conf/NAME_OF_FILE.conf
For Service Providers, they can set the AMI_ID across differnet regions in client.conf, so that the users don’t need to set AMI_ID everytime.
pkey: /path/to/pk.pem
cert: /path/to/cert.pem
accessKey: AKIAJ.....
secretKey: aK8........
keyPairPath: /path/to/pemfile
securityGroup: HPCloud
then when you to deal with the client just pass –conf=NAME_OF_FILE_CREATED and the credentials will be loaded from it
The Client allows you to configure an old security group with the Library requirements or to create a new one security group on AWS
>>> ./EHPC-Client --new-group -sg=GROUP_NAME -r=REGION
>>> ./EHPC-Client --authorize -sg=GROUP_NAME
``./EHPC-Client --authorize -sg=elasticHPC -r=EU1``