*********** List Nodes *********** description ============= This page shows how to list the current nodes in the cluster by the command-line command-line ============= >>> ./EHPC-Client --nodes-lst -d=DOMAIN_OF_MAIN_NODE [-f=table|json] -f format of the output ,default=table return json format of list,each item is another list containing instance ID, instance type, avaliability zone, state, life of the machine **Example 1** List nodes in the cluster located at ``ec2......com`` in tabular format ``./EHPC-Client --nodes-lst -d=ec2....com`` Output .. image:: table.png **Example 2** List nodes in the cluster located at ``ec2......com`` in json format ``./EHPC-Client --nodes-lst -d=ec2....com -f=json`` Output ``[["i-a2695beb", "m1.small", "eu-west-1b", "running", "8.0 hours"], ["i-121c2e5b", "m1.small", "eu-west-1b", "running", "1.0 hours"]]``